Cardio workout suitable for alpine and freestyle snowboarders
Suitable for alpine and freestyle snowboarders
Enable to mimic turns which in the past could only be achieved on the snow
Originally developed as boarders’ training aid
Low impact exercise and a perfect choice to prepare for the next winter season
Focus on building your base strength and endurance necessary for hitting the slopes much better
Great for balance, coordination, and improving technique throughout the winter season
Portable machine, suitable for indoor and home use
Resistance is fully adjustable, offering 6 intensity levels.
Pro Board Ski Simulator will focus on building your base strength and endurance necessary for hitting the slopes much better. The Pro Board simulator is not only a great off and pre-season conditioning trainer; it also is great for balance, coordination, and improving technique throughout the winter season. The goal of the Pro Board machine is to fire up all the muscles we do not use during other sports. With the Pro Board simulator, you can mimic turns that, in the past, could only be achieved on the snow. Is a great fitness machine, which was originally developed as a boarders’ training aid. The unique movement of the Pro board machine means it can move like your snowboard. A perfect choice to prepare for the next winter season. You can also get other Pro Ski Equipment that will make your training better and more efficient.
This machine is specifically designed for alpine and freestyle snowboarders who would like to improve their movements and maybe also learn or just try to snowboard. On the machine you will automatically make right turns, movement of the body and encourage all the muscles we do not use during other sports, but just while snowboarding on the snow. With the help of Pro Ski Equipment, you will make your training better and more efficient what will helps you to become better in the snow.
Forms of ski fitness training with Pro BoardSki Simulator
The primary goal of cardio training is to develop maximum functional capacity, activate all muscles we do not use during other sports and improve balance, coordination, and technique.
The Pro Board's unique movement will help you move like on your snowboard and increase your readiness for snowboarding.
The development of power can be achieved with proper exercise selection. The addition of an elastic band will increase resistance, which will help increase muscle strength, balance, and coordination.
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
Short, intense exercises are proven to benefit the development of athletic ability and physical condition while burning huge amounts of fat and prepare yourself for the winter season.